Value of a home-town agency

PET PEEVE: I find a phone number online, maybe for a hotel or a car rental or any one of a number of things,and I call, thinking I will talk with someone who can help me. But then I get routed through some electronic system of some kind, and eventually either end up with some person at a "National Call Center" which is probably just someone in their apartment, contracted to take calls, or even worse, I end up with a person in some foreign country who speaks very broken English as a second, or even third, language. All this takes my valuable time and I get little in the way of help, but lots in the way of frustration, and I think "It used to be so easy in the good old dialed a number and spoke with the LOCAL person right there at the place of business.."

Well, at Tarrant Insurance Agency, these are the good old days! If you will call us, at 417-683-1035, you will hear a pleasant, local, English-as-a -first-language lady take your call immediately and answer your questions. She sits in a real office in a real building at 306 SE 2nd Ave. in Ava Missouri, 65608, and if you need to, you can come right in here, have a cup of coffee, relax, and tell us about your insurance needs.We will do our best to find the right solution for your situation, as we represent several different insurance companies as your independent agent.

This is one reason why a local, home-town agency is the best choice for insurance. Call us, we are looking out for you.

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